Vibe Jardim São Paulo
Residential Renovation
45,00 sqm
Leôncio de Magalhães St.
Jardim São Paulo, São Paulo.
This renovation was carried out in an apartment of approximately 45 m². Located near the Jardim São Paulo subway, north of São Paulo city. Proving that no matter how small the environment is, it is always possible to carry out a completely personalized and high quality architectural and interior project. The clients' desire, in this case, was to integrate the balcony with the living room/kitchen. However, in a subtle way, maintaining a moderate differentiation. We responded with some continuous elements in the composition, covering both environments and differentiating in others. We applied different granite stones side by side, very contrasting and also a very different floor from the other. This simultaneously ensured the desired integration and subtle contrast. Another interesting point of this project is the wooden panel with a sliding door that hides the laundry room and, at the same time, integrates the living room with the kitchen. The clients wanted a bright and clean aesthetic, but with elements that stand out. So, we used a light background, with wooden elements with a lot of personality.